# TRD payouts We support the [Tezos Reward Distributor](https://github.com/tezos-reward-distributor-organization/tezos-reward-distributor) natively. The payout address must be on the same remote signer used for baking. While the baking address can be on a Ledger device, the payout address must be on a hot wallet directly on the signer. TRD works as a **cronjob**, meaning that it runs on a schedule, attempts to do a payout if there is one outstanding, then exits immediately. In TRD documentation, this is refered to as "run mode 2". ### Configuration The `baking_nodes` object passed to tezos-on-gke optionally supports passing a `payout_config` object structured as follows: ``` module "tezos-baker" { baking_nodes = { "mynode" : { "mybaker" : { "public_baking_key": "tz1xxx", # more parameters (signer config, etc...) go here "payout_config" = { "schedule"="06 */3 * * *", "initial_cycle": 370, "release_override": -5, "network": "MAINNET", "reward_data_provider": "tzkt", "dry_run": "false", "payment_address": "tz1", "rewards_type": "actual", "service_fee": 5, "rules_map": {} } } } } } ``` This is then converted into TRD parameters and passed to the TRD configuration. Most [TRD configuration parameters](https://tezos-reward-distributor-organization.github.io/tezos-reward-distributor/configuration.html) are supported. Be sure to run in `dry_mode` `true` at first to make sure that the payout engine works as expected. The `schedule` parameter indicates how often the cronjob should run. It should be in cron format. ### Isolation It is recommended to run TRD payouts in a different node pool than the tezos nodes, for isolation. You can configure the node pool used for payouts with the `kubernetes_payout_pool_name` terraform variable. ### Full example See the [production readiness](production-readiness) section for a full example of baker with payout configured.